My 2023 Predictions

As usual every other prediction is a joke or fake.
1. 40% of Ukraine's electric grid has been destroyed. The destruction centers on substations which could, theoretically, be repaired quickly. No doubt Ukraine is constantly repairing as Russia constantly bombs. Mrs Zelensky in a BBC interview said that Ukrainians could go without electricity for three years. At the time I thought this was odd. But since there is a limited amount of spare parts stored for repair, and any additional repair equipment must be imported from Russia, this means that Ukraine might have to rebuild the electric system form the ground up. I doubt this could be done that quickly. No modern society can survive 3 years without electricity.
This leads to my first prediction. Unless the US intervenes Ukraine will no longer exist one year form now. At best it will be a powerless shadow of its former self.
2. US general Ben Hodges, former NATO commander, predicts the Ukraine will will the war this year. They have the big mo.
3. Oil is currently at $80 a barrel. I predict that it will hit 100 to $120 this year. The factors encouraging this is that sanctioned countries hold 40% of the world oil reserves and the Gulf Country's hold 40% and they control the marginal production. In addition the ending of the covid restrictions in China will lead to more travel and economic growth.
4. Due to a recession Oil will drop $15 to $25 dollars a barrel.
5. We are already in a recession and this will continue for a few years. Since inflation is under measured, we have been in one for over a year already. This was also masked by covid recovery stimulus.
6. There will be no recession in 2023
7. Inflation will continue in the 8 to 10% range even with rising oil prices as the recession reduces demand.
8. Experts tell us that Inflation will be 2.8% in 2023.
9. Biden will not be impeached. This is not to say he doesn't deserve it. I can't think of a modern president that did not deserve it. Impeachment was always been political. What the crimes might have been is irrelevant. I doubt that with the slim majority the Republicans will have the votes.
In reality these predictions are on a sliding scale where each impacts the others in a feedback relationship.
I won't say which are mine and which are the fake ones. That way I can claim psychic powers no matter what happens like that old Twilight Zone episode.