There Will Be Blood

The metaphorical black eye that the worldwide military industrial complex has received in Afghanistan will lead to war.
Expect more anti-Chinese propaganda. While I do not think the blood will be in the straits of Taiwan, there will be constant pressure in the area. Ships will provocatively sail between Taiwan and China. More stories about concentration camps in China will surface.
Expect more stories about N. Korea and an expanded nuclear program there. But they have nuclear weapons, so I don't expect blood there.
Expect more sanctions against Russia. Ukraine, with the support of the West, just shut down all opposition media. The main opposition leader is under house arrest. The US equivalent would be to arrest Trump and shut down Fox News. But blood here is unlikely as the US does not want to lose all thier dinosaurs called aircraft carriers.
That leaves Iran as no one likes them anyway. They have kept the agreement they made with the world. The US broke the agreement.
it is always possible a new theatre will be selected. Africa immediately comes to mind.
So who knows where the crisis will appear. All this pressure will be placed against all these artificial foes. (We have always been at war with Eurasia.) Any of these hot spots could flare up. Whoever is in charge of the US, and it is not Biden, is incompetent. We have not seen such incompetence since the USSR in the 80's and 90's.
But there will be blood. The US needs a short victorious war.
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