

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

Entries in Sermon (5)


The Bible Is Truth

If you think the Bible is truth, why aren't you reading it? A good plan for the New Year is to start. 


The End Is Near!

Pam Dewey has been writing a series of blog posts about the current mania in some circles about 2012. This subject is always topical, even as 2012 comes to an end, because the same pattern repeats over and over again. People get scared and think the current situation is somehow unusual. There is a phrase that you probably know—Snafu. It is derived from the military so I will clean it up, Situation Normal All Fouled Up. Things not going well is really not that unusual. 
If you want to start up on her series, click here for part 1.
Pam also gives seminars around the county. Here is one she gave on this same subject of prophecy panic. 

Pentecost Message

Today I am posting a message I gave on Penetecost a few years ago. If you are wondering why I have not progressed more toward a podcast, the audio quality of this video is unfortunately representative of the way I sound. I am working on this and hope to start podcasting in July. 


Worry Bucket

I gave this message during the Days of Unleavened Bread (Lev 23:4-8) a few years ago. Since today is the last of these days for 2012, I thought I would post it here. I drove the camera man crazy at the begining of the presentation. If you are having trouble with figuring out what I am doing, I am using invisible props. 



You Can't Sit In The Spirit

There has been some discussion on a forum I frequent about what Paul meant by "walking in the spirit" in Romans 8. This is my understanding of walking in the Spirit. As today is the beginning of the Days of Unleavened Bread where those who practice this custom take yeast/leavening out of thier lives phsically as a reminder that it needs to be done spiritually this message fits this idea. But just taking things out of your life is not enough, you must put Jesus in. Nature abnors a vaccum. 

Click on the link below to listen. 


You Can't Sit In The Spirit.