The Way the World Works

In order to illustrate how one portion of the world works, I will tell a fictional story about a working class person in the Midwest.
He has held the same job for a long time, and was even promoted to a supervisor, yet he still had trouble paying all his bills. He worked hard yet could never get ahead.
That's just the way the world works.
He knew his muffler was broken, but yet after paying his bills he just could not find the money to fix it. Most people today do not have the money for an unexpected bill Unfortunately, everyone else could also tell his muffler wasn't working, so he got a ticket. Now in addition to fixing his muffler, he must pay the ticket. He struggles, but is able to do it.
That's just the way the world works.
Most Police Departments are structured in such a way that a substantial portion of the costs are borne by the recipients of tickets. If you have not received a ticket lately, you will be surprised how expensive they now are. This is particularly hard on the poor since their budget allows for little flexibility. A $200 ticket can take them months to pay.
That's just the way the world works.
After finally paying for the muffler and the ticket, even with regular full time employment, our fictional worker could not pay his car insurance. He hoped to do so soon. During this period he was stopped by the police and was given a ticket for not having insurance. Now in addition to money for the insurance, he had to pay the ticket. US cities do not always have good public transportation, so if he wanted to keep his job, he had to drive anyway. He got another ticket. Finally being unable to pay all fines and insurance, his license was revoked. He got another ticket.
That's just the way the world works.
He finally was able to get back on his feet, and because of crime in the area he wanted a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Since he had no problem with the law except for a dropped charge of possession of marijuana he was granted permission. He was driving with his girl friend when a policeman noticed that since he had a wide nose he resembled a person who had committed an armed robbery nearby several days ago. He was stopped. He told the officer that he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and when asked for his license he was shot 4 times as he reached for it.
That's just the way the world works.
Of course i have no idea how much of my narrative is fictional and how much factual, but you probably have noticed by now that I am talking about Philando Castile. Since Castile had been stopped 50+ times over the last few years, I am assuming he knew the drill and acted properly. Why was he stopped so many times? Probably a cash cow for tickets like him was a prime target. Do we know the exact details of what happened? No, and maybe we never will. The recording started after the shooting. So naturally everyone waited to know more. .... No instead on the internet he was immediately accused of being an armed robber with absolutely no proof that that was the case.
That's just the way the world works.