Century of the Self, Part II

Watching this part of the documentary reminded me of Revelation 17-18. In particular this from chapter 18:11:
"The traders will cry and carry on because the bottom dropped out of business, no more market for their goods: gold, silver, precious gems, pearls; fabrics of fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet; perfumed wood and vessels of ivory, precious woods, bronze, iron, and marble; cinnamon and spice, incense, myrrh, and frankincense; wine and oil, flour and wheat; cattle, sheep, horses, and chariots. And slaves—their terrible traffic in human lives. Everything you've lived for, gone! All delicate and delectable luxury, lost! Not a scrap, not a thread to be found!" The traders who made millions off her kept their distance for fear of getting burned, and cried and carried on all the more: Doom, doom, the great city doomed! Dressed in the latest fashions, adorned with the finest jewels,in one hour such wealth wiped out!
I would say that this series has done a good job of pointing out the problems with our modern mass-market society. I think Revelation is also critiquing this. But the solution the series offers is totalitarian in nature. There is a yearning for completeness that the producers think can be provided through society. It can't.
There is that Jesus-shaped hole in us that needs to be filled, and fill it we will with sex, drugs—even with Rock ‘n’ Roll. I might try to fill this hole with an iPad if I am not careful. The producers of this series, as people of the left, might try to fill it with society. There is an element of society in our individual Jesus-shaped holes. The assembling together of believers is a good thing—but church has a downside.
We risk confusing the shape of the Jesus-shaped hole and trying to make it a church- or religion-shaped hole.
The corporations want you. Government wants you. Society wants you. Even the church wants you. But God wants you too. Matthew 6 (NIV) tells us:
24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
This was the only scripture my agnostic father knew. "A man cannot serve two masters." My father related it to the real estate industry, but here I am using it to point out that you cannot serve Babylon the Great and God. What are corporations, governments, society, and yes, most churches, really after? You know the answer. You must choose, for by being unaware you choose Babylon by default.
I hope this series is helping you understand the process by which Babylon wants to choose for you. I hope you decide to choose for yourself , and choose wisely.
I recommend that if you are going to watch the series you begin with part I.

Reader Comments (2)
Link to "part II" should be link to Part III (3) ? ... in any case the link is broken.
You may have to google it. These links go bad frequently.