I Apologize: John McCain calls for 10,000 US Ground Troops

I wish to publicly apologize for voting for McCain in 2008.
I have several comments after watching the video.
If the US attacks ISIS in Syria with ground troops then this is an act of war. This would require the approval of the US Congress, and because of the various treaties the US has signed, the approval of the UN. It seems unlikely that either will happen.
McCain's talk of dismembering countries as a criticism of Russia in Crimea was either extreme hypocrisy, blindness to the facts caused by ideology, or senility. The policies McCain advocates have resulted in the dismemberment of Libya, Iraq, and Syria.
Sure Russia, with the overwhelming consent of Crimean people, added Crimea to the Russian Federation. Even 50% of the Ukrainian military stationed there defected. No leader of the Russian Federation is going to allow its only warm water port to become a part of NATO. The rightness or the wrongness of this is not important. Only the naval bases matter. I am speaking geopolitically. Morally, if a region wishes independence or to switch countries it seems that it should be allowed--even if it is Scotland, Catalonia, or Texas.
We can see in the current downing of the Russian plane the idiocy of McCain's suggested no-fly zone. The brutal murder of one of the pilots from that plane by CIA-supplied "freedom fighters" shows that in that part of the world the differences between the various sides is small. The use of the U.S.-made SAMS by these same "moderates" to down the Russian helicopter involved in the rescue of the second pilot shows the dangers of being involved in the region.
Since this may sound like a rant, the next thing you might expect me to suggest is a solution. I have none, and actually think that the bad policy of the U.S. over the last 20 50 years has made these issues into an insolvable quagmire.
The current version of Babylon the Great that rules over us is showing its age.
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