Japan is Toast

As Herb Stein famously said, "What can't continue, won't continue." So in that spirit I am embedding a video by OtterWood Capital. I know nothing about them, but I thought that the charts in the video explain the issues with regard to Japan.
Japan is Toast.
Perversely enough this may be positive to the US economy as money flees the Yen and looks for a "safe" home. The US will be the last castle standing, but even it will fall. One wild card is the over one trillion of US government debt owned by the Bank of Japan. Will they be forced to sell that debt rapidly?
I think all the economic pundits are missing the power of the system. It will weather a number of storms. It will continue on for some time, and then since it can't continue, it won't continue.
And the change will occur with great rapidity. Get ready as best you can.

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