If You See Something, Say Something

One of the great things about humans is their ability to get together to make a common cause. It is also one of humanity's greatest faults.
If you think Janet Napolitano's ...the Secretary of Homeland Security...program of turning every American into an informer, called "If you see something, say something," is new, you might want to read Pam Dewey's latest entry in her Prophecy Panic Button blog.
During WWI people came together as one to fight the dastardly Hun. If you doubt the narrative of the powers that be, watch out. Your friends and neighbors will not approve. Even worse, maybe your children will not approve.
The power of culture to enforce conformity is huge. If you know how it was done in the past, you might be less susceptible to this in your present or near future. Click here for part 5 in this series.

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