

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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Congress, We Don't Need No Stinking Congress! 

I find the following video deeply distrubing. The Secretary of Defense thinks that Obama can act unilaterally, or with the approval of the United Nations, and can ignore Congress. Specifically Obama can institute a war with Syria without anyone's permission but his own-no congressional approval needed. 

Of course, it would be better if the United Nations approved. But that is not going to happen with regard to Syria-Russia and China would veto it. So instead, Obama can tell Nato to approve the war, and then claim that Nato's approval gives him the right to have a short victorious war. 

I do not think that Obama is reading the Russians and the Chinese correctly. This is a recipe for disaster. 

In any event, to declare war without congressional approval is an impreachable offense.

And if you want to see the movie clip that inspired my title, here it is. 

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