

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

Entries in Parody (38)


Both Parties Owed By Wall Street

I thought this cartoon illustrates our political situation. 

Ultimately, I am not convinced it matters who you vote for. 


I Must Cry Out! 

I have blogged in the past about the degeneracy of modern music. Here is a good example. I MUST CRY OUT! If I did not the rocks themselves would-oh, the humanity. 



If Julie Andrews Married Michael Jackson

We had the DVD Mary Poppins in the mail when we returned from Russia. It’s our last DVD from Netflix at least for a while because of their new pricing. Glynnis Johns had a fun song relating to woman's suffrage—her excuse for abandoning her children to a nanny. The lyrics went something like this: "We love men individually, but as a group they are rather stupid." 

Very funny, and quite true. But not exactly in the way the movie intended. When we humans get together in groups we often lose all sense of morality. In a group we will do things that we never would do as individuals.  I doubt that many of us have a great desire to drop bombs on strangers from 10,000 feet. Or evict widows from their homes. But when we have the state as our master, we do what we are told. 

I do not want to leave you too depressed on this happy Sunday, so I will answer musically the question I pose in the title of this blog post. If Julie Andrews Married Michael Jackson the result might be something like this:


A Modern Spiritual Song

