

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

Entries in Music (189)


Country and Comedy Classics

My favorite record album when I was a kid was Songs of the West That the Children Love Best. Even though I was a cowboy for a time, this never translated into a desire to listen to country music. Although I do have an affection (although my kids considered it an “affliction,” if I made them listen to it) for Blue Grass music. 

So when I came across this clip from an old Johnny Cash Show where Marty Robbins sings a medley of his classics, I thought that some might enjoy it. Here it is

But in my own whimsical way, I thought you might also like Steve Martin's “cover” of Marty Robbins most famous song, El Paso

This naturally leads to Steve Martin’s first TV special. Here is part 1. 

There are a lot of questionable things on YouTube, but with discretion, YouTube can be a part of leaving Babylon the Great’s entertainment industry as a consumer of advertising. You would be surprised at the large variety of videos there. Netflix can also be a part of this. Yes, that might mean waiting for 6 months for your favorite series, but that really should not be a problem. Personally I prefer to watch a whole season over a few weeks, especially when the series has a story arc. 

Do Not Watch The Ads. They are affecting you. 

That is a central point to leaving Babylon the Great.  


Tom Lehrer

Tom Lehrer is one of my favorite comedy/novelty performers.


God On Our Side

Is God on the side of the US? This song is about overcoming the propaganda we all have been taught. 



While this song never got the airplay it deserved, or any at all, It fits into the theme of this week on propaganda. Yes, the lead singer is a family member. The song was originally done in one take, freestyle. 



Corporate Worship Songs