

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

Entries in Economics (326)


Wealth Centralization

I talked about excess centralization last Saturday. I thought that I would share these two YouTube videos on wealth centralization.

The first was rather cunningly done. For example it asks the question, "Does the CEO work 380 times harder than the average worker?" The answer to this is obviously no. But this is not relevant. The right question is "Does the CEO earn 380 times the value for the business as the average worker?" The answer to this question might very well be yes.

While the video says we do not need socialism, in fact the labour theory of value they are advocating is the socialist theory of Marx on which socialism is based.

But the video does point out a huge problem that needs to be addressed. Do not let your preconceived ideas, what I have called here on the blog a template, blind you to this. If your template is not working, quit using it.

What an Odd Couple!This next video fits my templates better. But it does begin on what I thought was an unintentional humorous note. No, there was not a "good ole days" when things were better in the sense that is usually meant. The issues of inequality have been long standing problems. This problem has been going on for at least 150 years.

(This is a theme in the recent blogging by the beloved editor of the prophecy podcast blog, Pam Dewey. In a recent installment she talks about department stores.)

I am not convinced that the gold standard solution offered in this video will work. And the idea that a petition will accomplish anything as even more funny than the idea of the "good ole days." But with the talk of guillotines in the last election, it might be smart if the powers that be consider some radical ideas.


I Am Unique

Skating is fun, until you fall. I am relatively unique among the "hard money" types you see on TV or on YouTube. I do not think that the crisis we all are expecting will happen any time soon. I would not at all be surprised if the US will continue to skate its way though various types of sub crisis for years. I expect that President Clinton will have to deal with this, maybe in her second term.

The power of the system is immense. Japan, for example, has huge reserves that can be spent. They will be spent, but that will take years. There is still "seed corn" that can be eaten. It will be eaten.

There are actually several positive signs right now. The two recent deals are having their effect on the US budget. There was a modest reduction in the planned increase of government spending, combined with a modest tax increase, combined with continued corporate profits. The domestic increase in oil and gas production is also positive. Thus I describe myself as guardedly pessimistic.

I have often quoted Herb Stein, what can't continue won't continue. He was right. Get ready.


Quantitative Wheezing

One reason that I am skeptical about a lot of health studies was brought to my mind by an economic survey I read. The survey concluded that a smoker earns 19% less than a nonsmoker. I hope it is obvious that smoking does not cause a drop in income.

Instead someone who smokes, statistically speaking, tends to be of a lower socioeconomic class. If a smoker quits, they will not suddenly change classes. Their net income might go up as smoking is expensive, but not their job description or their class.

Health studies show consistently people who exercise are healthier than those who don't. This seems rather obvious. However it is not clear what they are measuring. It is just as logical to infer the opposite. Rather than conclude that exercise leads to heath, it is just as logical to conclude that health leads to exercise. Recovering from gout this week you can be assured that I did not walk my normal 2 miles three times a week, in fact I did not walk at all unless I had to!

But back to smoking, I think we need to help smokers out by having the government give them income price supports. It seems unfair that they have a smaller income. We need to help. Instead of quantitative easing, which only helps the banks, I suggest a program of quantitative wheezing to help smokers.

This makes about as much sense as our current economic policies.

Note that I am not saying to light up that smoke, nor I am saying that you should become a couch potato. I am saying that you cannot trust the statistics or the health stories you are hearing. They are not reliable. If you want to know the truth you have to look deeper.

So I am using these two examples, just to prove a point ...

I will post the full show this is from next Tuesday, just to prove the point of the large number of videos that are available without watching commercial TV. If you can't trust it, why watch it? 


I, Pencil

Where does something simple like a pencil come from? 


You Can't Trust the Numbers

Japan is fiddling with their definition of inflation. No longer will gasoline price increases be included in inflation. Well we can be confident that the US is safe from such shenanigans. Or can we? 

As is usual when I listen to hard money types, I think they are too alarmist. We still have some time to change. I am guardedly pessimistic that change will happen.