I Blame Trump

Well we have to blame someone. I think instead we need to look at him as a motivational speaker. Here is a recent tweet:
China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi.
This is the kind of thing the football coach might tell his players at halftime when they are behind. I guess Trump thinks that China is a part of Team USA. There are several major things wrong with this.
First, what China did to stamp it out was to arrest you if you tested positive and put you in prison. They called it a hospital. But it had bars on the windows. Your family home was then welded shut with your family inside. I doubt any US President is going to do this.
China discovered the virus and its potential deadliness last year. The response? It ordered the lab that isolated the virus to destroy all samples. Then if you talked about it you were punished. I do find it suspicious that a doctor that first warned the world was silenced, and then he died, supposedly from the virus. He was under 40, not exactly the expected outcome for someone his age in good health.
Then there is this from a China human rights website.
On January 26, China’s military online portal Xilu.com published an article, which claims that the coronavirus is “a biochemical weapon produced by the US to target China.”
“Imperialism has never stopped attacking, destroying, and annihilating China. But China is developing so rapidly that imperialism rips off its mask of hypocrisy and openly acts [against China],” the article claims, in an apparent attempt to shift citizens’ dissatisfaction with the government’s inability to deal with the crisis.
Alex Jones would be proud.
Lastly, China just expelled US Journalists.
What are they afraid of?
I am not one to blame everything on China, but we certainly should not be praising them.
Here is another motivational speaker that actually makes more sense than Trump:
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