

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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How the World Works? 

Helen, on the Internet, had this to say in a random comment in a random article to which I will not link. 

1. Own the media so you can invent an enemy.
2. Own the banks and so you can lend out money to buy weapons.
3. Own the arms manufacturing so you can sell weapons.
4. Own oil companies so you can loot countries of their oil.
5. Get the contracts to rebuild the country you just bombed to pieces.
6. Put your private central bank (in charge ed) in the country and your puppets in government so you can continue looting the country.

I decided to correct the misspellings, and grammatical errors, I am usually no better on a forum, but on this blog I try to do better. It seems obvious to me that she is right. This is how the world works. 

If you want to see how this works from someone involved personally, check out this book. 

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