Bernie Trump

I disagree with Madeline Albright. You won't go to hell if you decide not to vote for Clinton.
Nor do I think God wants you to vote for Cruz:
Or not just from Cruz's father, also from the horse's mouth.
Cruz's comment about executive orders certainly fell on my receptive ears, but other parts of this I thought dumb. I found his promise to tear up the Iranian agreement troubling. If he does this, no one in the world will go along with him, and the net result will be Iran will get all the benefits of the agreement, no more sanctions, while from their perspective have none of the obligations they undertook in the treaty. It might be emotionally satisfying to tear up the treaty, but it is very immature and will lead to many asking the question, "What other treaties will America tear up?"
The main point I have in this post is not political. Instead I want to comment on the messianic nature of modern politics. This is why the title of the post is Bernie Trump. Both candidates are messianic pretenders of the worst sort. Oh, if only we elect the right person America will become that promised "City on the Hill."
American has never been, nor ever will be that city. Do you doubt this? I suggest you look at the treatment of the Cherokee by President Jackson--talk about a special place in hell! I suggest you look at the history of this at Pam Dewey's, the beloved editor of this blog, website.
Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.
Yes, modern American politics can easily be described as being without understanding. Any measuring we do needs to have a higher standard of measurement.
So if as an evangelical I am supposed to vote my values, why does Ted "Carpet Bomb" Cruz think that means voting for him would accomplish this?
This is a basic misunderstanding of government and religion. This is not God's world, it belongs to another god. While selecting which demon will rule over me does have a certain appeal--I like the Trump demon best--ultimately picking a demon is what I am doing. I think I will pass. The only way to change America is to change the hearts of Americans. I have blogged on this before. You might also look at what has been my second most viewed blog post where I talk about the rah-rah nature of politics from the last election. Have I really been blogging that long?!
I thought that in conclusion I would actually have a clip by Rubio I agree with, no politician is a savior. The beginning of the clip is all I am referencing, the end is more political nonsense, I turned it off. I suggest you turn off all the messianic pretenders on your television. There is a better savior.
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