

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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The Evils of Two Lessors

As I write this on Monday, I am still not certain what I will do. Since I titled one blog post "Clinton: Dangerous as Hell" and another blog post "Trump: Dangerous as Heck" you might conclude that I was leaning one way. 

To explain my probable vote you need to understand my history of voting in California. 

In 1972 I was not happy with either McGovern or Nixon. Both seemed really bad. It was my first vote and I wanted to vote. I was not sure what I was going to do when I entered the voting booth. I noticed that the American Independent party was on the ballot and my congressman was the candidate for president for that party. So I voted for him. 

After returning to California after many years, I was also not happy with my choices in 2012—Romney or Obama. It just did not seem to matter. I was flirting with voting for the Peace and Freedom Party as their candidate, Roseanne Barr, had suggested bring back the guillotine for bankers. I noticed that the American Independent party still had ballot access. So I voted for their candidate. I actually do not remember his name! It did not matter. 

So as I prepare to vote, I am still uncertain. I may just leave it blank, and vote against all the propositions. I will vote in favor of 53 as Governor Brown is against it. But the most likely outcome is that I vote for the American Independent candidate this year, I would not want to break with tradition. 


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Reader Comments (1)

don't let people try to force you into a corner. many people have lost their objectivity and will try to push you to one side or the other so that it is easier for them to argue with you.

November 10, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterowen

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