Comey Baloney

No doubt you are expecting me to say something negative about Comey's decision not to prosecute Clinton. You are right. Not in the way you might expect. I honestly do not know what I would have done is his situation. There are several things going on.
The first is some variant of the Peter Principle. Infogalactic describes it this way:
The Peter principle is a concept in management theory formulated by Laurence J. Peter in which the selection of a candidate for a position is based on the candidate's performance in their current role, rather than on abilities relevant to the intended role. Thus, employees only stop being promoted once they can no longer perform effectively, and "managers rise to the level of their incompetence."
In other words, Comey has been promoted one too many times.
But put yourself in Comey's Brooks Brothers' suit. You know how the world works. In a normal case, Clinton would plead guilty to a misdemeanor, would pay a huge fine, modest for her, and that would be the end of it. But the normal procedure won't work as Clinton is running for president. She can't plead guilty to anything, no matter how deserved. So rather than influence the political process, Comey called her reckless, and allowed anyone on the fence to fill in the blanks.
Apparently this infuriated a large number of his agents. He could just ride that out, but then a new batch of 650,000 emails were found. If he did not release this information, someone would leak it. This would be the worst possible outcome for him as it would then appear he was hiding them. So Comey announced to the world that they existed.
No doubt there were interesting conversations with his superiors. Again he faced unfortunate choices. If he is still FBI chief under a Clinton presidency, you can guess what those conversations might have been. He is most likely to resign for personal reasons, and then get a nice job somewhere quiet. But in any event he was in "dire straits." He could not expect to receive "money for nothing" in the future.
So today Comey declared that the emails held nothing new. I actually thought that they wouldn't, and predicted on Facebook that nothing would be released, referring to both this scandal and Anonymous' supposed release of damaging material on Clinton. I was however surprised that that the announcement of the examination was complete took place after only a few days. (edit: I did my math wrong!) I do not see how 650,000 emails could be examined in that time. There probably isn't time for there to be any new leaks, regardless of what is in these emails.
But that is just how the world works. Comey understands it. I understand it. You understand it.
I can describe Comey in one word.
Incoherent. Incompetent. Incontinent.

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