Election Fraud?

I was recently called a fool on Facebook—not particularly unusual. Why? I suggested that while rare, election fraud was about 1% of the total vote, and that it mostly favored Democrats. Did I offer any proof? No. Did the person who called me a fool offer any proof? No. In fact no proof can be offered either way. Then I ran across this paper that examined the 2008 elections.
In 2008, the proportion of non-citizens who were in fact registered to vote was somewhere between 19.8% (all who reported or had verified registration, or both) and 3.3% (11 non-citizen respondents were almost certainly registered to vote because they both stated that they were registered and had their registration status verified). Even the low-end estimate suggests a fairly substantial population of registered-to-vote non-citizens nationwide. Out of roughly 19.4 million adult non-citizens in the United States, this would represent a population of roughly 620,000 registered non-citizens4. By way of comparison, there are roughly 725,000 individuals in the average Congressional district.
While I do not have much confidence in these kind of surveys, nor do I offer this as "proof," it seems to me that my point of voter fraud is valid. If the high end is accurate, that is almost 3 million votes. This is just the potential illegal alien vote. The paper does not discuss voting in two states as a snow bird; ballots being thrown away by election workers; absentee votes by relatives and nurses in nursing homes, and so on.
The paper mentions the election of Al Franken to the senate by 300 votes.
This race, ultimately decided by 312 votes for Democrat Al Franken, was of critical national importance. It gave Democrats the filibuster-proof super-majority needed to pass major legislative initiatives during President Obama's first year in office. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, for instance, would have had a much more difficult path to passage were it not for Franken's pivotal vote. The MN 2008 Senate race is also the race where the smallest portion of non-citizen votes would have tipped the balance – participation by more than 0.65% of non-citizens in MN is sufficient to account for the entirety of Franken's margin. Our best guess is that nearly ten times as many voted.
Election fraud has changed elections. We have election fraud to thank for ObamaCare as it gave the Democrats a "super majority" to override a potential filibuster.
My wife voted in her first American election this year. She has voted in the past in Russia. She was shocked with the lack of security. "Where are the police?" "Why aren't there cameras?" "Why aren't they asking for identification?" I had no answers for her.
No one knows how big a problem voter fraud is, but it is a problem.

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