Deep in the Woods of the Blood Moons

One interesting aspect of tonight's eclipse is the constant and useless debate that occurs with regard to the timing of the fall festivals of Leviticus 23 that begins tonight. Ultimately if you can get someone to observe these festivals on a different date you show your control over them. If you can't get them to change, then you show your superiority to them. Either way the religious hobbyist wins.
Note that the goal of a lunar solar festival calendar is for the fall feast, Sukkoth or Tabernacles, to begin on the full moon. Note also that an eclipse, or a blood moon, can only occur at the full moon, and tonight, at the beginning of the feast the eclipse occurs. So the fact that the eclipse is tonight shows that at least this year, the goal of the feast to begin on the full moon is achieved. So those who complain that the crescent moon was not immediately observed 15 days ago so the festival should begin later in the week, well, you are wrong. Wrong on so many levels I will not even bother to go any deeper in the weeds than I have to. For a discussion of the eclipse from a scientific perspective, click here.
So since the festivals begin with a full moon, there is often going to be eclipses at the beginning of the festival. Nor is there some sort of catastrophe written in advance in the heavens. I don't care what your guru of the month, supposed prophet, or fake rabbi says.
Grow up.
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