Personal Russia Update

While the air of decay is still present in Russia, it gets less noticeable every time I come here. Things are changing, mostly in a positive direction.
There is a new Supermarket within walking distance of my mother-in-law's apartment. It has almost everything you might want, except a wide selection of fresh vegetables. Thus I have gained a few pounds. The lack of vegetables is not the only reason. There is this one thing I have found only in Russia, and at Russian stores in America. It is half-way between cream cheese and cottage cheese and has bits of fruit filling. Sometimes it is dipped in chocolate. Yum. I am still amazed by certain aspects of Russian culture. We are right now having lunch in an arcade. It has free WiFI. They have a full traditional Russian cafe menu. And a modest wedding reception is taking place--right in the arcade. The dress is beautiful, but seeing the bride amidst the video games is a good example of culture shock. I used to be in the video game industry, and this is the cleanest arcade I have ever seen.
I have blogged before on previous trips about Russia's littering problem. It is now no worse than America's, and yes, the trains run on time.
I think that most Americans, especially the leaders, have an obsolete understanding of Russia. Eventually this will cost them.
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