Cold Reading

This is a difficult post to write. People I care about have been deceived, and are being deceived right now by modern day "prophets." But I think it is important to understand exactly how psychics and their religious counterparts, the prophets, work. The prophet becomes aware of the person to such an extent that it can appear that God has revealed details that the prophet cannot know. It can become so convincing that even the prophet can be deceived into thinking he has powers.
The technique is called "cold reading," and Orson Welles gives us an excellent explanation on how it works.
So am I saying that modern prophets with "words of knowledge" and "words of wisdom" are fake?
Yes, yes I am. I prefer to believe that the religious faker is self deceived as Orson Welles mentioned. But there are some who are not self deceived.
Here is one.
I used to have the full exposé on VHS tape, but this section of the program shows how the fake healer Popoff works. The disgusting thing about this is that people still go to Popoff's meetings.
People want to believe, so they do.
But isn't the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom Biblical? I will talk about that soon.

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