Europe Is Toast

On Monday I posted a video that showed rather convincingly that Japan is toast. But of course all of us with French surnames are confident that Europe is quite safe. Maybe I should change my name to Ivan DeJarnetoff for as this video shows, Europe is also toast. (As long as oil and gas prices remain high, Russia will do fine.)
Many European workers do not understand that their employer cannot pay them more in salary than they produce. There will be a "payday" someday.
While this video is pro-gold, I think that gold and silver is the best option for speculative investment. But only after you have done your pre-investments.
We live in a world where investment is nearly impossible, as the risks of even "safe" investments outweigh the returns. As this video points out at the beginning, a very wealthy man who invests 10 million in 2 year US treasuries would have received an income of over $400,000 ten years ago. Today that same investment yields just over $20,000. This is nuts.
Get ready for a continuation of the Great Recession. It will not be pretty.

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