Here is the latest and greatest computer from Apple.
The reason the parody works is that Apple does have a tendency to place style over function. The current computer is a fine example of this. In Apple's mania for thinness and proprietary accessories they have managed to produce a new computer with less functionality than the previous one.
Apple decided that in order to keep its desktops thin they would remove the DVD player. Why in the world does anyone need a thin desktop? I do not spend all day looking at the end of my computer marveling about how thin it is. Yes you can buy an accessory that plays DVD's, but that takes up valuable desktop place. In addition, I do not know about you but the last thing I need on my desktop is more cords. I was an early adopter of CDRoms, I feel like I am going backwards.
It is not that I am "old fashioned," as was said in the Apple Keynote announcing these computers, in my desire for a DVD player. I need one.
Another thing I wanted to do was put the computer on a swivel so I could move it around. I do not want to be aggressively fussy, but the decision of Apple to make that impossible by insisting on a non-industry standard arm mount attachment is annoying. The Apple wall attachment does not allow you to move the computer around like I want.
Will I go ahead and buy the new computer? Probably, as switching costs are high. But Apple is shooting itself in its foot by letting style overwhelm function.
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