Republicans Do Not Cut Spending

Republicans at the BeachThere is a lot of buzz in the blogosphere about the Republicans being tough and cutting spending. It is not for nothing that Republicans are called the stupid party. This is nothing less than allowing your opponents to set the rhetoric. The fact is that no prominent Republican not surnamed Paul has offered to cut any spending. The various Republican proposals are to grow spending a little more slowly than the Democrats. No cuts. They are allowing the Democrats to frame the issue as the “evil Republicans cutting spending on the poor.” The smart move instead would be for the Republicans to announce they were opposed to all cuts. Take the high road and announce that they want to help the poor just like was done in the previous year.
You Want Me to Cut What? The sneaky part about this is that it reduces spending more than the original proposal, but there are no cuts. Let the natural growth in the economy lead to a gradual reduction in the deficit. There are no booby-trapped stealth tax increases on the horizon. Submit the exact same budget as last year. When the Democrats complain just announce that the Republicans have already given Obama the tax increase he wanted. Announce that Republicans are opposed to spending cuts, then freeze the budget.
Will the Republicans do this? (Did they nominate a candidate who was extremely wealthy in a time of austerity? Did they nominate a candidate that was not particularly compatible religiously to a considerable part of their constituency?)
Will the Republicans do this?
No they are the stupid party.
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