Mr. Mustache

I thought that I would share something from one of the sites I regularly read:
If you’re surprised to hear that I knew nothing of the looming shutdown, and that I don’t read (or watch) the news at all, then you will get a lot from this article. Because I’m going to suggest that unless you work directly in the news media industry yourself, you too should be paying absolutely no attention to the news.
I am not sure I entirely agree, but Mr. Mustache has a point. I have cut down on my news consumption, but should I cut it even more? Does it actually matter one month or even one week from now? I doubt it. I actually had a blog post on the uselessness of news.
But with regard to the current government shutdown, except for reading the faux outrage on Facebook, I also know almost nothing about it. My wife, watching Russian news, may know more.
I do not feel deprived. All I can say is, thank God. I really mean that, for it was my contemplation of my theme here of leaving Babylon that led me to reduce my news consumption.
Ah, the bliss of not letting politics consume you! Turn it off now. It is too late for the guy on the left, but you can do it.

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