Third Aircraft Carrier to Arrive in Middle East

What are Benjamin and Hilary Doing Behind Closed Doors? There are currently two US aircraft carriers near the Straits of Hormuz, through which much of the world’s oil must pass. They are the Enterprise and the Eisenhower. For some reason the normal shore-side rotation of the carrier Stennis was shortened—cutting back on time with the sailors’ families. The Navy department is always reluctant to do this. Logically they have a reason to do it at this time.
While the explanation is that the Stennis will replace the Enterprise, there will be a period when all three carriers are in the gulf and are ready for anything untoward. In addition a French carrier is in the Persian Gulf as well, to participate in war games. The proposed scenario for the games is that “some power” has blocked the Straits of Hormuz.
The Stennis will arrive in time for these games, which take place from Sept 16 to the 27. The new moon for September is, coincidentally, the 16th. I think it more likely that the attack by Israel on Iran will be in October, on the next new moon, on the 15th. A new moon attack provides the maximum darkness. It will not matter to the attackers, as modern technology will be doing the guidance for the attack. A later attack would also reduce the chance of an oil price spike before the election. In addition the war games will provide training for a confrontation with Iran.
The same tired scenario that Iran has weapons of mass destruction, or soon will have, will be the excuse. The fact that Iran has no nuclear weapons program and Secretary of Defense Panetta has admitted this will not deter the attack.
How stupid do they think the American People are? (This is a rhetorical question…)
Am I predicting an attack on Iran by Israel before the election? No I am not. It will depend on Obama’s poll numbers, so who can predict it?
I do not know if there is much media talk about the deployment of a third carrier. I could not find out very much about this. This may change by the time you read this as I am writing this on Wednesday the fifth of September. Debka, not a very reliable source in my opinion, is talking about it, but they have predicted the last few attacks on Iran already. They were wrong. But the timing seems right this time.
In any event the US, French, British, Saudi, and Abu Dubai navies are ready and in position.
Are you ready and in position?

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