Iran, the Darth Vader of our Time

I have been getting some views on the post I did on the arrival of the 3rd Aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf. I realize now that I had oversimplified the situation. While I was quite accurate that Obama would be willing to agree to an Israeli strike if he was behind in the polls to shake things up, I failed to understand that the only way that Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, would attack before the election would be to hurt Obama—he supports Romney. So an equally plausible scenario is that he will attack if Romney is behind in the polls. It would be Romney’s October Surprise, not Obama’s.
In any event, the drumbeats of war just keep getting louder as Israel prepares to attack. Even though Obama does not want an attack before the election, I doubt he would do anything to stop it. A war with Israel is not on his political plate.
Yahoo News is even on script:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran was just six to seven months away from being able to build a nuclear bomb, adding urgency to his demand that President Barack Obama set a clear “red line” for Tehran in what could deepen the worst U.S.-Israeli rift in decades.
Iran will be attacked. The only question is when.
I doubt that Iran is any more evil than other countries, who could, on short notice, have nuclear weapons built. These countries include Germany, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and no doubt other countries. Israel has 250 nuclear weapons. It seems to me that Israel is more likely to use their weapons than Iran is. Israel could easily turn the entire Arab Middle East into a parking lot. 2 or 3 bombs could take out Egypt, plus one on their dam on the Nile. 4 or 5 for Saudi Arabia, with a couple tossed into Mecca and Medina for good measure. Syria would be an easy target as well. Israel would have over 200 bombs left. It would be madness to attack them.
Maybe Iran is a modern Darth Vader who would ignore the consequences to themselves, but I doubt that they wish to commit national suicide. Iran has no plans to build a nuclear weapon. They may want to be in a position to be able to build one on short notice. I would want that if I were them.
If you perceive this as anti-Israel, you would be mistaken. The problem is the governments around the world that think they can act immorally and not have it eventually come back to haunt them.
Let me paraphrase what Paul said in Galatians: “God is not mocked, what a government sows, that they shall also reap.”
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