Wag the Dog
I just finished watching Wag the Dog, again. I always find it amusing, and topical, even though it was made many years ago. For those of you who have not seen it, the plot is that the President is caught in a sexual indiscretion with a minor. Because of this, his election in a few days is in jeopardy. The solution is to bring in "Mr. Fix-It," played by Robert De Niro. De Niro's solution is to fake up a war with Albania. Not long after the movie was made President Clinton had gone to war with Serbia, over Albanians that lived in Serbia. You can't make anything up, no matter how absurd, and not have it be somewhat true. Many commentators at the time felt that Clinton had gone to war to distract us from Monica Lewinsky.
Watching the movie reminded me of the upcoming war with Iran. We need a distraction right now from our upcoming election. Will we go to war with Iran before or after the election? My guess is that it depends on President Obama's poll numbers in October.
This song is from the movie. We do need to "we guard our American borders, we guard the American dream." It seems to me that the best way to guard this is to avoid an unnecessary war.
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