Tyrant of Syracuse

I just finished attending my 40th reunion. One of my classmates mentioned that she was tired of the politics on Facebook and commented that I was one of the worst. Sorry, but guilty as charged. I will try to do better as I remember the story of the Tyrant of Syracuse and the old woman.
Dionysius was a terrible man, known for his cruelty. He held the ancient office of Tyrant of Syracuse, a city in Sicily. Prayer was offered to the Gods for his death as he fit the title of his office well, but one old woman prayed for his health and a long life for him.
Impressed, the Tyrant sent for her. He asked about her prayers. The old woman said that when she was a young girl the Tyrant back then was terrible. She was pleased when she heard of his death. But his replacement was worse than he was! She suffered under this tyranny, he was after all the Tyrant, and prayed for new leadership. Her prayer was answered in her middle years. The new Tyrant was even worse than the old.
This was why in her old age the woman prayed for Dionysius’ to have a long reign and good health. She knew that his replacement would only be worse. Dionysius was too embarrassed and ashamed to punish her.
As we get excited and head unto this most importantest election ever, remember the Tyrant of Syracuse.

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