Blind, Deaf and Oh, So Dumb

People do not understand Bible prophecy. They confuse prophecy with predicting the future. There is an element of the prediction of the future in some Bible prophecy—it depends on the book and its purpose.
Mainly, when a prophet "predicts" the future it is along these lines:
“What you are doing is not working. Why do you think you can be a people of violence, and not be subject to violence? When you bash in the heads of the little ones of your enemies, do you really think that your little ones will not suffer the same fate? The hungry cry at the street corners and you drive on by in your Mercedes. Do you think God is blind? The drunk stands on the corner and pretends to cry, so even the just are unable to act rightly. After eating a feast that would feed two you tell the waitress, 'Yes, I want the banana split.' The poor see their bones, but you can't see your toes.”
“I will not even bother to punish you. Instead I will let your own sins blowback be your punishment. Soon you will see your toes again, but you will not rejoice. The Greenlawn you are destined for will turn brown when your children cannot pay your bills. Will your children repent, or will they instead curse you? ‘Our parents have bought swimming pools, and borrowed money for vacations in Aruba, and there is nothing left for us but this t-shirt.’”
I have not heard anything like this from our modern "prophets," have you? Nor will you. Instead you will hear prophets do like they did for my mom and predict that she would write a book. I knew she would not as she was too frail. I was right, the prophet "speaking for the Lord" was wrong.
Do not listen to the court prophets of this world who speak what you want them to speak. They can be bought. They deceive themselves. I am not just talking about religious people. These prophets in our society are called politicians, pundits on Fox News, and Federal Reserve chairmen. They are at best self-deceived and at worst liars hoping to kick the can down the road one more time.
And no, I do not think I am a prophet. I am merely telling you what a prophet would say if God really wanted to talk to us. He won't because He knows we are blind, deaf, and oh, so dumb.

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