Libya & Journalism

I remember all the hype about the evils of Gaddafi. I have no real disagreement with Gaddafi being evil. However, I wondered at the time if what I was hearing about events in Libya was true. What makes this video interesting is that one NGO official (NonGovernment Official) says that there were mercenaries hired by Ghadafi, and then 5 months later she says that there were no mercenaries.
You can not trust what you read or even see. You can be conned if you are not careful. To answer a question that was posed on Facebook, no you can't trust me either. I might have been conned as well.
Surely this is not happening in Syria.
Yes the video is obviously a pro-Syrian video. I heard another video on a podcast, where "Danny" admits that the video is fake. "Syria Danny," where do they get these names, in this other video says that everything he said was true, but the video was faked. This may be true. This happens all the time in televison. But think about what I just said, fake video is common in television-remember this.

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