Modern Gomorrah

This is funny right?
While the school has announced that they will not do this in the future, the fact is that not one parent that participated complained. What were the parents thinking? What was the school thinking?
What was your first reaction to the clip? Was it wry amusement or disgust? I am ashamed to admit that it was wry amusement for me. As I thought about it my view changed.
Robert Bork wrote an interesting book a few years ago, Slouching Toward Gomorrah. His point was that we have begun to accept things as “normal” that a few years ago we would have not accepted.
One-third of all children born in America are born to a single mom. Yes, many of the parents do live together. I think we are just beginning to see the effects of the lack of stable marriages in our society.
There is not much that I can do personally as my wife and I are beyond the normal age for child bearing. But I do have some younger readers—and you can do something. YOU MUST THINK ABOUT THIS IN ADVANCE, before you start your family. (The all caps here was a typo, but I decided to leave it.)
I think that the question we need to ask ourselves is not “Are we corrupt?” Instead the question we need to ask ourselves is “How can we stop being corrupt?”
The answer to this latter question is more interesting. It might involve some work on your part. It might involve watching TV more selectively. It might involve going to a different church, or start going to one. It might involve avoiding the water cooler banter. Yes, it will involve some effort on your part. Is our society worth a little effort?

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