Walk A Mile In Iranian Shoes: Is America Insane?

Newt Rick O'RomneyImagine you are a citizen of a country where:
A foreign government overthrew your democratically elected government and installed a dictator.
This dictator murdered your fellow citizens and plundered the country.
You and your fellow citizens are finally able to revolt and remove the dictator.
The foreign government tries, but fails, to install another dictator.
The foreign government supplied and helped your neighbor to attack you and you lost 500,000 young men.
The foreign government places sanctions against you and limits your trade and prosperity.
How would you feel about that foreign government?
Imagine that you are Iranian, and the foreign government is the United States. How would you feel?
But doesn't Iran want the bomb? Surely we must act now? Leon Penetta, our Secretary of Defense, recently admitted that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.
Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Panetta admitted that despite all the rhetoric, Iran is not pursuing the ability to split atoms with weapons, saying it is instead pursuing “a nuclear capability.”
That “capability” falls in line with what Iran has said for years: that it is developing nuclear energy facilities, not nuclear weapons.
In fact the official position of the Iranian government is that nuclear weapons are forbidden by Islamic law. The article concludes with this:
Nuclear fuel enrichment is much different from enrichment for weapons. Most commercial nuclear reactors use lightly enriched uranium, which is between 3-5 percent enriched. Weapons-grade uranium must be enriched to approximately 85 percent or more of a key radioactive isotope for it to be usable in an atomic bomb.
Too many people are blinded by their ideology. American interference has just made things worse in the Middle East. We were geopolitically better off with Saddam Husein than the current crop of Iraqi leaders. $1 trillion dollars and counting for the war in Iraq. This is $3000 per person in America. $12,000 for a family of four. Was it worth it?
The wag's definition of insanity is doing something over and over again even though it is not working. Is America insane?

Reader Comments (1)
Sad but true