

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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Church Politics

Doug Young has continued to post interesting sermons from years past from various speakers. His latest download is:

Ron Dart sermon from 1983, Church Politics.  Alternate download:

Doug's Summary:  Where there are people, there will be politics. Dart shows how to reduce the impact of politics. How does hierarchical government impact politics? A look at Exodus 18 and Numbers 11 in this regard. People’s need to make an impact can be for the good, but it is bad if it stems from, or results in, a desire to control others. The Galatian church was split by such politics, not by doctrine. The desire to control others almost always brings division. Dart looks at church politics in the books of 3rd John and Jude

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