The $1 Bank Robber

This is a most unusual bank robber:
That is how Verone said he came to the decision to rob the RBC bank on New Hope Road on Thursday, June 9.
He didn’t have a gun and he handed the teller a rather unusual note.
"The note said ‘This is a bank robbery. Please only give me one dollar,’" Verone said.
Then he did the strangest thing of all.
"I started to walk away from the teller, then I went back and said, 'I'll be sitting right over there in the chair waiting for the police," Verone said.
Verone said he doesn’t have medical insurance. He has a growth of some sort on his chest, two ruptured disks and a problem with his left foot. He is 59-years-old and with no job and a depleted bank account, he thought jail was the best place he could go for medical care and a roof over his head.
A sign of the times.

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