Highly Illogical

I had a discussion on Facebook last month about Israel. I was not satisfied with that discussion. It is difficult to put my thoughts down in writing, so I thought I would try again when I ran across an open letter by Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame. He drew an interesting analogy from Star Trek, season 3 episode 14, "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"
The BBC summarizes the letter:
"But the antagonists were keenly aware of their differences --one man was white on the right side, the other was black on the right side. And they were prepared to battle to the death to defend the memory of their people who died from the atrocities committed by the other."
The actor goes on that he does not mean "to belittle the very real issues that divide Israelis and Palestinians." However, he says, the fictitious scenario shows that "myth can be a snare... The two sides need our help to evade the snare and search for a way to compromise.”
Nimoy proposes compromise in the conflict with two states that share Jerusalem as the capital. (The full text of his letter is here.)
While Nimoy has no more credibility than any other Jewish actor, what is interesting to me is what he did not say, but is strongly implied by the analogy "Spock" chose. Here is Wikipedia's description of the end of the episode.
Once the Ariannus mission is completed, Bele takes control of the Enterprise again, but this time he deactivates the auto-destruct in the process and sends the ship to Cheron. Once there, the two aliens find the planet's population completely wiped out by a global war fueled by insane racial hatred. Both Lokai and Bele stare silently at the destruction on the monitor and realize they are the only ones left of their race (or, as they see it, their races).
Instead of calling a truce, the two beings begin to blame each other for the destruction of the planet and a physical brawl ensues. As the two aliens fight, their innate powers radiate, cloaking them with an energy aura that threatens to damage the ship. With no other choice, Kirk sadly allows the two aliens to chase each other down to their obliterated world to decide their own fates, consumed by their now self-perpetuating mutual hate.
What Nimoy did not say is that the hatred the two races shared destroyed their world. This is why I have said on many forums that Israel is doomed. Those on the left blame Israel; those on the right the Palestinians. I see faults on both sides, but to be frank I see less fault on the Israeli side. But I see no reason to be like the crew of the Enterprise who, in the episode, chose sides. Many say that Israel cannot be defeated because God is on their side. But if you believe the prophets of the Bible, God destroyed Israel in 722 BC; God destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC; God destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. I see no reason that God will not allow, or even cause Israel to be destroyed today.
Two nuclear bombs and Israel is gone. Since Israel has 250 nuclear weapons with nuclear material provided by America, this would not be a happy outcome. Like Samson of old, who destroyed the Temple of Dagon and died with its many worshipers, so Israel would retaliate in like manner. If you wonder why America supports Israel, these nuclear weapons are enough reason all by themselves. While I do not believe the apocalyptic scenarios peddled by the survivalists, this one scenario gives me pause. I wish that the Israelis and Palestinians would live long and prosper, together--unless they wish to live in a nuclear wasteland. Anything else is highly illogical.

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