I can not title this blog post the end of the Constitution as that was ended long ago. To think I actually voted for this guy-a mistake I will not make again.
Of course our first constitutional law professor president will protect us.
The tax plan proposed by Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich would add $1.3 trillion to the U.S. budget deficit in 2015 alone, a new analysis shows, complicating his goal of balancing the government’s books.
One way he does this is to give tax cuts to the rich. Usually this is an unfair Democratic "talking point," but in this case it is accurate. Taken from the aptly named talking points site:
We need a simple tax structure with one rate with generous base deductions. This proposal is not even close to this. Gringrich complicates the tax code.
So Newt is corrupt, plans to increases the deficit, and give tax cuts to the rich. What is Newt's view on Civil Liberties? Newt proposes a subdepartment that ignores the constitution and civil liberties:
I know I said that I would never vote for a person who wore secret, magical, religious underware. However the combination of Romney's relatively good budget program and this impressive video has changed my mind.