

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

Entries in Humor (136)


Woody Allen and William F. Buckley! 

This is a great clip from 1967.


The Magnificent De Jarnac

One sign of old age is the necessity of explaining old cultural references to a younger audience. As I get older my audience seems to get younger. 

Unless you lived through it, it is difficult to understand in our multiple source media world the impact over many years of Johnny Carson and the Tonight Show. It was so large that even one of his many ex-wives, all named Joanne, had her own talk show. One of my favorite comedy routines done by Carson was “Carnac the Magnificent.” 

Yes, the jokes were that bad. 

So in the tradition of the Magnificent Carnac I offer to you today, the Magnificent De Jarnac. 

Imagine my turban as I lift the envelope to my head. (Actually my Facebook picture looks like I am wearing a turban.) 

And my prophetic answer is: "Yes, God has not finished punishing America yet."

What is the question in the hermeneutically sealed envelope handed to me by Pam Dewey, the beloved editor of the prophecy podcast, as I smirk?

"Will Obama be reelected?"


Spirit In The Sky?

I remember this song. It was the stereotypically "one hit wonder" by the artist who also did 'The Eggplant That Ate Chicago." I am told Greenbaum retired to raise goats. This is not that version but a cover a decade later. Odd lyrics, strange guitar effects and a very odd video. Enjoy! 


What Would Jesus Do?

There may be a few more people with whom Jesus is angry. 



Can you win if you play this game?