Masks? Wear 'Em If You Got 'Em. 
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 9:01AM
[Positive Dennis] in Health
Simm Land said this is a recent promotional email to me that directed me to a website selling probiotics:

According to the CDC, it is not recommended that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases.

This is an accurate quote but the CDC is lying. "Not recommended." Why? Because there are not enough masks to do this, so in order to conserve masks, this is the recommendation. In Asia wearing masks is common and is one reason that Korea and Japan have had mild outbreaks. It is a reason why China has reduced infection.

The US has de industrialized and makes no masks. It is not surprising that the overseas manufacturers are giving masks to their own people first, I would too.

This should be a wake up call for the US to start making its own products.

BTW this should not be taken as a shot at Simm. I am a big fan and think the website, even though an ad,  was helpful. The CDC is lying, and that is not Siim's responsibility. (I take probiotics, but not this brand.)

Masks? Wear 'em if you got "em.
Update on Friday, March 27, 2020 at 7:26PM by Registered Commenter[Positive Dennis]

Note that 3M does make masks in America. 

Article originally appeared on Prophecy Podcast (
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